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Setting Intentions

Setting your intention for a Reiki session is an important step that helps focus your energy and create a positive outcome. Here's an overview of how to set your intention for a Reiki session.

Poppy Field

Prepare Yourself: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax without distractions. Take a few moments to center yourself and let go of any stress or tension.​


Reflect on Your Goals: Think about why you're seeking a Reiki session. Are you looking for physical healing, emotional balance, stress relief, or spiritual growth? Reflect on your goals and what you hope to achieve from the session.


Be Specific and Clear: It's helpful to be specific about your intention. Rather than a broad intention like "I want to feel better," try to focus on a particular area or aspect of your life that you want to address. For example, "I want to release emotional blockages related to a past relationship" or "I want to find relief from chronic pain in my lower back."


Focus on an Intention for Yourself: It is important to set your intention for yourself and not for others. Each person is responsible for their own journey. If your intention involves another person, reflect on what you can contribute to the situation and the aspects you can control. 


Use Positive Language: Phrase your intention in positive terms rather than negative ones. Instead of saying, "I don't want to feel anxious anymore," reframe it as, "I want to experience inner peace and calm."


Write It Down: Writing down your intention can help you clarify and reinforce it. Take a moment to write your intention on a piece of paper or in a journal. This creates a physical representation of your intention that you can refer to later if needed.


Visualize and Feel: Close your eyes and visualize yourself already experiencing the outcome you desire. Imagine what it looks like, feels like, and how it positively impacts your life. Allow yourself to feel the emotions associated with this desired outcome.


Communicate with Your Reiki Practitioner: When you arrive for your Reiki session, share your intention with your practitioner. They can better align their energy and techniques with your specific goals.


Trust the Process: Once you've set your intention, trust that the Reiki energy will work for your highest good. Let go of any attachment to the outcome and surrender to the healing energy during the session.


Remember that setting your intention is a personal and individual process. Trust your intuition and choose words and intentions that resonate with you personally. By setting a clear and positive intention, you create a focused energy that can enhance the effectiveness of your Reiki session.


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