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Thank you for taking the time to visit. Not everybody’s story is the same and I would like to share my story with you.


You may be at an ideal space in life and are simply looking to stay at the top of your energetic game. Or you might be looking for a spark to send you in a new direction. You may want to explore your passions, but just haven’t found the right idea yet. Whatever your situation, Reiki can offer a supportive space for you to live fully.


As life unfolds, I am leaning into my energetic journey, and invite you to join me.

My Story

I am attuned and certified in the following practices and lineages of Reiki: Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Teacher, Usui Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher, and Crystal Reiki Master & Teacher, and am currently working towards certification in Transpersonal Crystal Healing.

My life is an evolutionary adventure. I have two incredible sons who bring me great joy and pride. They have taught me unconditional love and countless life lessons since day one and are now helping me understand the art of "letting go". My friends and family are wonderful people who love fiercely and are always there for me when I need them. I've enjoyed many amazing adventures and experiences in this beautiful world and have found success in my career path. With all these life blessings, I felt a longing for a deeper connection, but could never quite figure out what that meant, until I started to look within.

Growing up in a household where violence and fear were the undercurrents of life, I found myself constantly seeking safety, acceptance, and stability - something that would allow me to feel "normal". I searched sports, friendships, religion, careers and relationships, but just couldn’t quite find belonging. It turns out that nurturing a relationship within was what I was seeking.


After a series of emotionally exhausting events, I was left numb and unmotivated, but open to all things new. This was when I was introduced to Reiki's powerful life force energy and crystal healing. These holistic modalities had a profound impact on my life, almost immediately. The healings, experiences, and understandings that I gained through Reiki and crystal therapy were compelling on emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual levels for me, they were nothing short of a miracle. Energetic healing has supported me and opened my heart to a transformative power within that I didn't realize existed.


Creation is powerful and I have learned balance, and have found stability and inner peace. I feel secure in who I am and where I am headed. Looking inward has not been easy, but healing and energetic transformation are proving to be incredibly fulfilling and exciting for me. Many loving, supportive and caring individuals have stood by my side or walked this journey alongside me. To them, I will be forever grateful.

Image by Edz Norton

Certified Training

Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Teacher

International Center for Reiki Training Guidelines

Country Garden Crystals, Maureen Durant, Medicine Path Practitioner

Usui/Holy Fire® III First and Second Degree Reiki

International Center for Reiki Training Guidelines

Prairie Bird Healing Arts, Tarra & Colin Harbarenko, Reiki Master Teacher

Usui Ryoho Reiki LI, LII & Master Teacher

Lisa Powers, Reiki Master & Teacher, B.Ki, B. Ed

Crystal Reiki Master Teacher

Lisa Powers, Reiki Master & Teacher, B.Ki, B. Ed

Transpersonal Crystal Healing® Practitioner (in progress)

Evolve Healing Institute, Kate Mantello

Pendulum Dowsing Basics Master Class

The Shaman Soulution, Julia Eilerr, Q'ero Incan Shaman, Clairvoyant, & Spiritual Mentor

Beginner Sacred Rituals

Evolve Healing Institute, Kate Mantello

Beginner Crystal Healing Layouts

Evolve Healing Institute, Kate Mantello

Beginner Chakra Healing

Evolve Healing Institute, Kate Mantello

Disclaimer & Copyright

I am not a licensed medical, health, psychological, clinical, diagnostic or like professional of any nature. I do not practice allopathic or traditional Western medicine.


The information presented on this website is shared in utmost good faith, and is not intended as medical or like advice, nor is it intended to replace the care of a licensed medical, health, psychological, clinical, diagnostic or like professional of any nature.


  • I will not interfere with the treatment or recommendations of a licensed medical, health, psychological, clinical, diagnostic or like professional of any nature.

  • I do not offer, recommend, prescribe or perform licensed medical, health, psychological, clinical, diagnostic or like professional treatment of any nature.

  • I do not diagnose conditions.

  • I do not prescribe substances.


The information presented on this website is shared in utmost good faith for informational purposes only, and does not constitute a professional relationship between the viewer and the owner of this website, nor does it constitute a guarantee regarding the effectiveness of any personal outcome should you choose to make personal use of the information or services provided. I accept no liability or responsibility regarding the use or misuse of the information presented.


This website contains copyright material and all rights are reserved. Any unauthorized use of copyright material on this website is strictly prohibited.

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